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Group Work Expectations

  • All members of a group are expected to participate equally and cooperate with each other.

  • The group work area should be left as clean or cleaner than it was found.

  • Keep discussions on topic. Do not wander to other groups; socializing during labs will result in point loss for the lab groups involved.

  • The teacher reserves the right to rearrange and change group assignments if it is deemed necessary to facilitate an environment more conducive to learning.


Individual Work Expectations

  • During individual work (warm-up, quizzes, tests, etc.) there is no talking.

  • Talking during these periods will be considered academic dishonesty and/or a disruption of the learning process.

  • Minimum consequence for academic dishonesty is split points or a "0" on the quiz, test, lab or project.


Expectations for Dismissal

  • Students are expected to clean up their work areas and be seated before they can be dismissed from the classroom. Students standing at the door when the bell rings will have to return to their lab seat before dismissal.


  • 50% - Tests, major labs, and projects

  • 30% - Labs, summative quizzes

  • 20% - Daily grades


  • Projects are assigned at the beginning of the Marking Period.

  • The point of any project is to learn so don't wait until the last minute; do a little at a time and plan to turn in your project on or before the due date.

  • If you're going to be out, arrange for someone to turn in your project by the start of class. Better yet, turn in the project yourself on or before the due date.

Optional Projects

  • There may be an optional project during a marking period.

  • It is always in addition to the mandatory project and may not replace a missing mandatory project.

  • It is due at the start of class on the due date and is not accepted late.

  • Extra credit is NEVER given at the end of the six weeks as a means to raise a less than acceptable average. 

  • Consistent effort is the best way to achieve acceptable grades.

  • Study nightly for your core classes. 


  • "A" Tuesdays, "A" Wednesdays and "A" Thursdays 
    4:25 to 5:30pm,
     unless conferences are scheduled.

  • If you need any help, do not hesitate to come to tutorials. 

  • Tutorials are not a punishment but an opportunity to get the help you need to be successful in this class.

  • Study Groups are welcome to meet during my tutorials.

  • If my tutorial schedule does not work for you, feel free to go to Ms. Hirsch, Ms. Lange, Ms. Vick or Mr. Weitz.

  • The biology tutorial schedule is posted on the hall bulletin board next to my lab.

Late-Work Policy

  • Work must be be completed by the due date for full credit. School related absence does not extend your due date. If you know you'll be out for a school related absence, plan ahead to turn in the assignment or take the test before the absence.

  • Late work:

    • Any work turned in two days (one block) late earns a max of 70%.

    • Any work turned in four days (two blocks) late earns a max of 50%.

    • Any work turned in more than four days (two blocks) late earns a max of 0% (no credit).

Make-Up Work

  • If you are absent and the absence is excused, the district handbook states that you have one day for every day absent from class to make up missed work. 

  • It is suggested that the student get any missed work from his/her lab group as soon as s/he returns to class verifying the assignments with the teacher.

  • Tests and quizzes must be made up within two days of return to avoid holding up test and quiz debriefs for all classes.

  • If you are going to be out for an extended period of time, contact the counselor’s office to arrange for teachers to send home missed work.

  • If you know in advance that you will be absent, ask the teacher for the assignments you will be missing.

  • Many homework assignments can be found on the current Marking Period Calendar.

  • Make up tests are given during tutorials and must be scheduled with the teacher but, remember, to earn credit, all work including quizzes and homework must be completed before testing.

  • No credit after the test; after all, quizzes and homework prepare you for the unit test.

Test Correction Policy

  • The goal of Pre-AP biology is mastery of the curriculum.

  • Students are expected to complete multiple choice test corrections with justifications for any missed test questions.

  • All corrections must be completed within one week of the test or by the last day of the marking period, whichever comes first.

  • Since essay questions complete with rubric answers are posted up to a week before the essay portion of the test, it is up to pre-ap students to work on the answers before the test date.

  • After the test is completed in class, there is no retest option due to the fact that the student had the answers and questions before testing.


  • Unless cell phones are being used for an academic purpose, they must be in the student's backpack. No exceptions.

  • If there is an emergency, students may request to use the lab phone, 512-464-6451, or request special permission to use their cell phones.

  • If you are on your phone for other than academic use during class, your phone will be confiscated.

  • Unless otherwise informed, food and drinks are NOT allowed in the lab (water is ok; gum isn't).

  • Restroom and water breaks – Go as needed one at a time wearing the vest. This is subject to change....if you wander or dissappear you lose this priviledge.

  • Individual grades will NOT be discussed during class time except during marking period conferences. Feel free, however, to discuss them during tutorials.

Materials (Needed for Every Block)

  • Bound notebook (quadrille preferred). Must be bound (stitched in place). No spirals or dotted line easy tear out notebooks.

  • Pencil

  • Blue ink pen

  • Black ink pen

  • Red ink pen

  • Eraser

  • Highlighter(s)

  • OPTIONAL: Map pencils, glue sticks, 3 ring binder dedicated to biology - organize by MP and include current MP calendar or tape/glue calendar in your lab notebook

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